Friday, March 31, 2006




This is for all the mom's

I found this in today's comic strip.
Click on the image to see a larger view of it.

Where are the Benesh's and the Knapps?!?!?!@

So what is up with the Benesh family or the Knapp family? hum I have no idea. I wonder Y? lol

your doing fine Grandma

Well you were able to post another message, so it looks like you are doing fine. You already have the Blog website in your favorites. To post a message or pictures you have to sign in first using the 'I power Blogger' button on the bottom right side of the Blog page which takes you to the Dashboard. from there you click on the name of the Blog which is 'The smith, knapp, Nuernberg, benesh, and anyone else i invite Blog' and then you see the page with option tabs such as Posting and View Blog, under the posting tab you can create a post, give it a title and write a message, add pictures or both.

there you go

Wednesday, March 29, 2006



Monday, March 27, 2006


Pictures.... You want to see pictures? That would suggest we took our camera....:):) sorry, no pictures. Oh, I can hear Grandma Pat chastising me. We did get some video coverage. Our camera is more than dead. With a new set of batteries you have about 30 seconds of click time before it dies.

It was SO fun seeing my family. There are 3 babies...Nathan 4 months, Paisley 5 months (Stefanie's), and Jolie 9 months (Shelley's). We sat the three of them on the couch and video taped them. They were adorable together; Nathan being the cutest, of course.

My mom and dad are doing okay. I was a little surprised to see my dad limp around how he did. It is hard for him to walk and I wasn't expecting it to be quite that bad. Mom was unable to hold any of the kids and could only handle very soft hugs. They are optimistic, but they were hurt pretty bad in the accident.

Mialee did really well with all the cousins. At our family reunion over the summer, the crowd was too much for her, but this time she loved it! Shelley's 7 year old son adopted her. She had fun chasing him around.

Nathan has decided if he doesn't know you, you may not touch him. Alas, he spent Saturday crying everytime someone held him. Poor little guy. Most of my family hadn't seen him yet. They see the pictures we put on our BLOG and they were hoping to see this smiley baby they hear so much about. As long as Derrick or I was holding him, they got the smiles from him.

That's all... Take care...Love to all....

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Wow, Jessica finally said something. he he

Good Sunday evening

Good evening...Hope everyone is well. Derrick and Rebecca, please let me know you got home alright. I would love to see pictures of your weekend and everyone you got to visit with. How is the new camera?
I spent the morning pruning the last rose garden and pulling a few weeds, 'fed' the gopher and shaped up the Hydrangea. Grandma's car would not start this morning, so she got to drive 'the Gator' for the first time. We had a ladies afternoon planned visiting some B & B's in SLO. I drove and we took Carleen, Laura and Anne with us..Very comfortable in my car and we had a great day. Mom will have to call the Dodge dealer and see what they think is wrong. I tried to start it..check all the usual,,in Park, no headlights or interior lights left on,,steering wheel not locked up..The Check Engine light came on as well as all the gauges so it is not the battery...very strange noise. I have never heard it before. The Van is definitely not happy.
I think Merrill is out 'dirt biking' was a beautiful day after a day of steady rain.
This week is Leslie's (at work) last week. We had her goodbye dinner friday at Saletti's. We will try and squeeze a sushi dinner in this week and then she if off to Bear Valley. It is up by Yosemite in the mountains.
Well, this is my one night on the will sign off for now. Smoochies!


Thursday, March 23, 2006


I saw this funny picture so I'm posting it. I hope this never happens to any of your kids

Merrill's dirt bike FINALLY

Ok here are pictures of Merrill's dirt bike...finally. It is a Yamaha 250. It is very big and very shiney and very blue. Merrill cleans it ALOT. It is temporarily in MY garage. I am ok with that since I can still park my new car in there too. I really love my new car. I got really good gas mileage on my trip this week to Burbank. I just had the gas light go on at 326 miles on one tank and I think it is a 12 gallon tank. "The Gator" needs a bath and vacuuming though.
I will attach a picture of Nancy holding Stella where you can see her freckles on her belly. She is very sweet.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Good Saturday Morning

Good Morning everyone. I have a few minutes before I have to get ready to go to work in Santa Maria. I do have good plans for afterwards. Looks like a few of us will be enjoying Walnut shrimp at Mei's! Rebecca, I love that picture of the kids you posted. Nice to see that in between 'bonking' Nathan..she is nice to him too! He has just the bestest smile...with his whole face! I have not heard the laugh that goes with it yet. Are you ready for a night without children yet? Let me know!
I hope this finds everyone happy and healthy!
Oh some of us got to talk with Juan Mora...old family friend..and yes Nancy dated him once! What a neat person he still is. He said if you Google; Guapo Mora, you can find info about him and his relief efforts in Mexico with orphans.
Got to run..Smoochies!
And Yes, Derrick, I have pictures of Merrill's dirtbike and I will post them this weekend!

Friday, March 17, 2006

today at the our house....

Mialee wanted to take Nathan on a walk in her baby doll stroller.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Snow in SLO

Wow last Saturday morning there was snow in SLO. It was about 6:35am and i was on my way to work in Santa Maria. I was just going over the hill right after Avila and before Shell beach and i saw 2 cars spun out in the grass on the side of the freeway. I thought, wow the went preaty far for it just being rainy. That's when i saw the freeway covered in about an inch of snow. Holy Moly!!!!!!!!!!!! I said to myself, "I'm going down, please dont let me crash please dont let me crash" thank goodness there was a semi makeing tracks in the snow for me to drive in. wow that was scary. That's my exciting moment for the week.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Thank you Nana for our Zoo shirts

Sunday Morning thoughts with Nana

I think I sent out that nice poem too trying to send it bigger. I will also send one of Stella 'guarding' Quinn's grave. She was so intense that day. She would not come to me..kept going over to kiss Quinn and then later went right to the grave and stayed. Of course, she is not real good about coming when called yet anyway..but sure acted different than the other dogs that day.
I will have Grandma come over sometime and get pictures of Merrill's dirtbike. Funny to call it dirt...he is over here cleaning it all the time!! I doubt he will be riding today...going to storm again. So much for pruning roses today. I guess I will make soup instead.
Hey about some pictures Dude?
Hey Dan..thanks for the riveting documentary of your Jeep adventure!
Smoochies to all!

Friday, March 10, 2006



Hi Everyone, Just thought I would post a few thoughts about Quinn. I don't think everyone knows that she is with Rusty now. I had to make the decision to end her suffering a short while ago. I know Merrill and Derrick had to see that she was going downhill and could agree that it was time. You know Quinn pretty much lived to eat as well as play with the kids and other animals. In the last few years it was pretty much just the eating and sleeping. She had arthritis in both hips and back knees and her liver and kidney functions were becoming impaired. The winters were getting really hard for her. I remembered that not long after we moved here, she was still able to get into Grandpa's Bronco to go to the beach. She got lame in her left front shoulder and was limping and showing signs of much more intense pain by panting all the time. Her digestion was getting bad as well. She seemed like she had been with us forever. The boys remember getting her when they were in Jr High school, so we think she was about 18 years old. I think Coquee was about that old too. I counted the dogs I have had in my lifetime and came up with 17 or so...I don't remember if I included Whatsit and Serious..oh and there was Lucky in Big Bear...anyway...many dogs, cats etc but Quinn really spanned the years of our family. She played with two generations of my children (nephews included). I will attach a poem the Vet; Dr. Harris sent with a sympathy card ( if I can remember how Derrick showed me) and some pictures of Quinn. It is comforting to know she and Rusty are guarding the backyard. I had a 'visitation' from her the 1st week she was gone...she is around and out of pain. If you can think of any nice memories of Quinn..please feel free to share them. I think I still have some tears left..Smoochies.

Nathan relaxin

I caught Nathan yesturday relaxin on the couch reading a book so i snapped a quick pic.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Advice for today....

Dance like no one's watching!

Nancy's Birthday party Pictures

Nancy with dragon paintings from Teri

Nancy and Pat (me) with Dragon kite

Lynda and Nancy with her 1952 birthday card.

Black pearl ring to Nancy from Mom

Monday, March 06, 2006

I'm new here

Hi Everyone..Derrick says I HAVE to learn to do this and I HAVE to use it all the time!

Mailee's New dress

This is Mailee's new dress that Nana brought up on Sunday. She loves it as you can see. Thank you Nana from Mialee.


Teri and Grandma have both found there way on here! Where's everyone else? Oh yeah, probably at work :):) Guess I have the luxury (?) of staying at home.

Thanks to Mom/Lynda/Nana for a delicious dinner and fun entertainment on Sunday. We enjoyed having her play with us and eating mom's home cookin'. There is nothing like having Mom cook for you. We will all fall off our chairs if Mialee and Nathan ever say that, huh? :):):) So, cooking is not my forte; it could be worse, I guess.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

here are some picture of our family

I need all the cousins email address

I need all the cousin's email addresses so I can send them an invitation. Also everyone, edit your profile, and create a user name with your own name or something that resembles it so we dont have to guess who you are.

Ok here it is, the Smith, Knapp, Nuernberg, and Benesh BLOG

Hey everyone, this is the new thing, a blog. Well they're not really new, they're just popular now. My wife's side of the family has one and it works great. What is a Blog? It is an online journal. We will use it to keep in touch with eachother. Keep us all up to date on what is going on in each family. For example, I found out from my Dad the Kyle had already left for Australia lol. I heard he was going but had no idea when, why or how it is going for him. So lets all use it. It will only be as good as we make it. So make it good by letting us know what ya'll are up to. We can even post pictures. So when grandma has lots of photos she wants to share all you have to do is post them. We can all put pics up. So come on and use it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!