Sunday, April 30, 2006


Go to Whelchel blog to see recent pictures of My family.


Hi Grandma, I need you to try to post pictures again and tell me the exact wording of the errors or problems that you are having. That will make it easier to help you fix the problem.


Ok I figured out how to have the links back in. I had to copy the HTML code from another template and paste it in to the code for our blogs template.

F U N Saturday

Good Sunday morning! Hey Derrick, where did the link to the Whelchel b-log go? (I don't know, when i changed the layout of the Blog it didn't come with a link option.) It was nice to click over and see how their family is doing and see any pictures of the kids posted there..Can you fix it? Thanks.
I was hoping Jessica would post her good news..but here goes. She got a wonderful new job at the base (Nancy helped with her resume). She will be in an office..and I cannot remember the exact job title..but super wahzooo pay and benefits. Yeah! Jessica!
Glad to hear Derrick's tests went well. I know that new job will make alot of great changes in your lives,
I will post some pictures from yesterday at the Strawberry festival..I thought I had some of Nathan in the stroller..but they must have been too dark as Grandma did not print them out. She has to really do some editing on my pictures. We had a good time and then Mom and I went to Ryan Park for dinner and dessert. I was in bed before 9pm! Pooped!
I talked with Teri today..having fun fun fun with her friends and the hotel issue was worked out ok.
Today is clean up and shop day, so have to get busy. Still have poultry to feed!
Love you all...smoochies too!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Conoco Philips

Well i took 4 tests today as the first steps to get a job at the oil refinery in Nipomo. I have a friend that works there who told me about it. It pays well and have tuition reimbursment. cool and starting pay is $20/hr. And comes with great benefits package. So I really want this job. The tests were a behavior, Mechanical understanding, chemical understanding, a math/block counting/english comprehension test. I think i did preaty good, so we'll see if that takes me to the next level which would be an interview.

Nana's Saturday Morning

Good Morning everyone! I have a few minutes this morning before I need to get ready to meet Rebecca and the kids in Santa Maria to attend the Strawberry Festival..Oh boy..Pony rides! I think my friend from work; Joline will meet up with us. Derrick is working the Special Olympics at VAFB and also has a test for a new job!! Hurray Derrick! Best of luck to you! Hey Dan! Nice write up about your recent Jeep trip..glad not as exciting as the last one! Thanks for keeping us updated. We got lots of beautiful pictures from Kyle..I hope everyone was able to see them. I just made another silk flower hanging wall arrangement. It is for Joline as a wedding present. Nancy still needs to come and put the finishing touch on it...I do not do ribbons all...looks understand. I will post a picture when it is done. Pretty with blue hydrangeas, yellow tulips, white cala lillys and yellow and white freeshias and english ivy. Teri,,nice to see your smiling face and all your friends. I hope you are having a blast today in Warm Springs!Rebecca, thank you for all the great pictures of the kids..I make everyone at work stop and look at them. So, are we doing with the B-Log now!? Huh? I think we are getting the hang of it! Love you all,,,smoochies all around!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Nathan's hat show

Princess Mialee

Now that I've figured out the photos.. here's one more.

Here's a photo of me with my office coworkers. That's Shirley (blonde on the left) and Linda to the right. We were at the Cherry Blossom Luncheon. 3/15/06
We were pretty excited to be allowed out of the office for an hour or so! Posted by Picasa

aha! I can do it after all!

Ok, I added this photo using the Picasa2 software I downloaded from Google. I use it to edit it my photos and to create albums.
Well, this photo is from our recent trip to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens in early March.
That's Leslie on the left in green, Cindy, me and Deb.
Now that have figured this thing out, I'll post more photos later.

So, Derrick, I think you said you owe me something for posting a picture???
Will that come parcel post or are you sending it to me via your mom when I meet up with her for our cruise? ; )
Love to you all!
Aunt Teri Posted by Picasa

trying to upload photos....

Well, I keep trying to upload a photo here... it says it's uploading the photo, but I don't see it! I'll try to do the post and see if it shows up.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Peace of Mind

This is so subtly funny

Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter... from the East coast

Hi all, It was good to hear all of your voices! We sure missed being there with you. We're looking forward to June and being " Home" again. We enjoyed a quiet Easter. Nick and I went to church with the Johnson's. Afterwards, we had a nice lunch at Ryan's (a buffet style restaurant), with Andrew and Stephanie joining us. The rest of the day was spent just chillin' out and relaxing. Today is the first official day of Spring Break for Nick and me, and we are trying to make the most of our week. This morning, I had the car to the shop to have a radiator hose leak repaired, then Nick had his 6 month dental cleaning, and got his summer hair buzzzzzzzz. He has such a nicely shaped head :) Now he's working on a spring cleaning for his room, I'm doing laundry, uploading photos and playing on this blog! Hey!! Both Nick's and my Passports arrived ... finally! Yea!!! We're legal and official! We can CRUISE! We are soooooo ready to go, too! Well, I keep clicking on the "add photo" button, but nothing is happening.... Hmmm, I selected a photo and it said it was uploading it, but I dont' see it. I guess I'll try again later. Hugs and kisses to you all! T

This is what I tried to post earlier,,, in response to Lynda's post...

tbenesh said...
Ewww! That sounds like you've got the big bad flu bug! I hope you get over it quickly... We've had it running rampant through our school since late Fall.Kids and teachers dropping like flies, seems to last 5-7 days before you really get back on your feet. Take it easy on yourself and don't go back to work too soon... this bug really takes a lot of out of you. Figureatively as well as literally! :)The Nuernberg-Benesh Clan is alive and kicking.Andrew says he's doing well in his classes,we hope so. Nick is doing well, better this past nine weeks progress report than the last one.He is off for Spring Break as of tomorrow... for a week! I have to work tomorrow, but will relish every day off next week :)Charles had his Spring Break two weeks ago. The weather here has been beautiful, yes we are smack dab in the middle of the 3 weeks per year that the weather in Macon, Georgia is good. Sigh...It's the weeks after the ice and before the mosquitos get a stronghold on the town. Although, they have already announced they'll start the mosquito spraying next week. Summer is fast approaching.Only 5 more weeks of school! Yeeehaaaa!!!Well, I don't know how to post a comment w/o entering as a comment to someone else's... so here I am.I loved all the photos of the kidlings, very extremely cute! Glad to hear the rest of the family is doing so well, except for sickie Lynda Marie :(I'll try to check the blogs more often.Hugs and kisses to all,Teri

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Nice post Teri. lol were you just practicing ? well Good job. Let us know a little more info about your family next time. I have something you want. And if you want it, you will have to post some more to get it. he he

The Smith, Knapp, Nuernberg, Benesh and anyone else I invite BLOG

The Smith, Knapp, Nuernberg, Benesh and anyone else I invite BLOG

Thursday AM

Hello All, I am home sick for the 4th day. I cam down with the stomach flu monday morning and was very very sick by monday night. I was loosing fluids from both ends shall I say. By Tuesday afternoon I was ready to throw in the towel and I let Grandma take me to urgent care. I got 2 different shots in my Keister..the first one did not stop the vomiting. I felt much better. The pills to do the same really knocked me out and I slept most of the next 24 hours. I got stronger anti-diarhea pills too that seem to be working today. I am of course very weak and sore. I still do not have any appetite. The Dr said to stay on clear liquids until I felt still feel weak and not getting much from Jello and juice. I doubt that I will go into work tomorrow either...I would have to have Mom come over and dress me!
Merrill is over in Palmdale playing with his dirt bike. He was supposed to meet up with Joe Poras, but I did not hear if that happened yet. I worry about him riding alone. He has already gotten stuck while riding and had to call one of the 'tow guys' to get him out. Really wrenched his back pulling that big bike out of the mud alone. He has poison oak from work so was given a few days off and they actually paid to have him see the worksmens comp doctor!
Oh, we are moving the Easter Dinner to Jay and Nancy's house..more room etc. Menu looks good: Ham, Turkey, Scalloped Potatoes, baked squash, sweet potatoe bake, DEVILED EGGS, green salad, rolls, cranberry sauce, sparkling cider and Cheesecake. I think that is everything..
Oh, Mom and Nancy and I are 'crashing' Joline's wedding in May in Las Vegas. I am also being treated to my birthday weeked at that time as well as on Mother's Day weekend! Wow, I feel very special. We will fly out Friday night the 19th from Santa Maria. The wedding is Saturday 11am and we have a dinner show that night; Tony and Tina's wedding...should be a blast. Fly home Sunday late afternoon.
Guess that is all.
Did everyone see Kyles pictures? I have the site saved on my e-mail and I can send it to you if you want to see them..Very beautiful place. Warn Rebecca..Big spider picture in there.
Love you all, See you Sunday.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

This is before his Doctor appointment moday

Mr. Cutie

He is so dang cute

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Just in case you did not know ....

I didn't know this but the entire world can view our blog. Please be careful to not post private information such as addresses, phone numbers, emails, etc; anything that might not be good in the hands of someone bad. It is probably not too far fetched to think that there are people that search blogs to find information on others they can use. You never know.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Comic strip

Did anyone see that comic strip I put up?

Monday, April 03, 2006