Monday, January 12, 2009

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Danny's BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you God for answering all our prayers.

Aunt Nancy and Skyler

Grandma Pat and 3 daughters, youngest to the least young :)

Mialee, Mom, Grandma Pat, Rebecca

Kyle, Merrill

Nathan, Uncle Jay


Kyle, Mialee, Nathan, me

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Grandma's 80th Bday Party

Me, Amy, some dude, Allison

I ran into Santa and his wife

Me, Nathan, Mialee, Merrill and dogs

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Mialee at art class

MOre Avila Beach

RUN Forest!!!

Avila Beach

This one bit me!

Nathan at the Mini horse ranch

This one is a race horse. does the 1/4 mil in 20min!! lol

1/4 mile training

Nathan fell asleep on chairs

Mialee @ Grandma Pat's 80th B - day party

Uncle Charles, Nick, Teri

Mialee at art class

Me and Nathan at Motorcycle Shop

Nathan and Aunt Teri

Surf Beach

Surf Beach 12/08

do you get it?

Ocean Park

Tried to drive through Sequoia Forest.

Me and Skyler

Mialee is learning to crochet

Kelly and Skyler

yes that is a shark.

PIcking up the kids for Christmas 08